憑藉別具少年青春氣息的奔放旋律,成為「LINKIN PARK 世界巡回演唱會(澳門站)」的表演嘉賓,由主音Angus、結他手Jun、Bass手Edmond、鼓手EL組成的本地薑人氣Pop-Punk樂隊SCAMPER,早已是東海音樂節、覺醒音樂祭、玩石音樂節、南山流行音樂節等大型活動的常客,早前於內地選秀節目《粵語好聲音-樂隊風暴》演繹經典廣東話作品,更是虜獲一眾樂迷的心。這次擔綱其中一隊澳門代表現身KoolTai MACAO MUSIC FES. 2023獻唱,各位樂迷可要好好注目這隊本地黑馬!
Macao Pop-Punk/Rock band SCAMPER was founded by vocalist Angus, guitarist Jun, bassist Edmond and drummer EL. Being the open-act guest of “Linkin Park’s Macau concert”, SCAMPER hits all Canton-pop lovers’ hearts with their brand new arrangement of classic Canton-pop songs in the show “The Voice in Cantonese - Band Storm”. They have performed in various music festivals such as Wake Up Festival, East Sea Festival, Play Rock Music Festival and Nanshan Pop Festival, etc. Now you may have the chance to feel the pulse of their rock and pop-punk mix and contagious live performance in KoolTai MACAO MUSIC FES. 2023!