Zee Avi

來自馬來西亞的一道國際之光,創作歌手Zee Avi於2009年正式展開她的音樂生涯。由療癒的民俗音樂開始,到充滿藝術色彩的現代流行風格,Zee Avi的音樂型態自由穿梭於傳統與創新之間,虜獲全球各地樂迷的心。2009年登上著名音樂平台NPR Music旗下NPR's Tiny Desk Concert,成為當時唯一一位於該演出登場的馬來西亞歌手,Zee Avi的腳步從未停歇——不但個人作品《Concrete Wall》被起用為人氣影集《Gossip Girl》的插曲,她更於2016年以電影《輝煌年代》主題曲《Arena Cahaya》獲得第53屆金馬獎的「最佳原創電影歌曲」獎項,一次又一次於國際音樂版圖中,寫下屬於東南亞歌手的亮眼記錄。Zee Avi引人入勝的現場魅力亦為人所稱道,讓她成為大型音樂節的常客,過去曾參與SXSW音樂節、LIFE IS GOOD 音樂節、波納羅音樂節等大型演出,持續以旋律與熱情連繫全球樂迷。 

Zee Avi, a Malaysian gem, ignited her musical journey in 2009. Her music bridges tradition and innovation, spanning Folk to Pop, resonating with audiences across the globe. From earning the prestigious "Best Original Film Song" at the 53rd Taipei Golden Horse Film Festival and Award, performing on NPR's Tiny Desk Concert (the only Malaysian to do so at the time of writing) to having her song "Concrete Wall" featured in hit TV series Gossip Girl, Zee Avi has pushed the boundaries of what a Southeast Asian artist can achieve - time and time again. Further, the songstress' powerful stage presence coupled with her magnetic charisma has taken her to the most esteemed festivals including SXSW, LIFE IS GOOD and Bonnaroo. Zee Avi's music isn’t just a sound; it’s a universal connection.




魏如萱 waa Wei